The Bodhi Tree Foundation stands as a noble beacon of compassion and action, a non-profit organization steadfastly committed to mobilizing both travelers and the tourism industry in a unified effort to extend aid to those in need while safeguarding cultural heritage and nurturing the delicate tapestry of our planet's biodiversity.

​Borne of a shared passion and commitment, the foundation was birthed in 2008 through the vision of philanthropy-minded business leaders. These individuals, whose lives were irrevocably transformed by the profound impact of their journeys, united with an overarching mission: to galvanize the vast resources of the travel industry and channel them into the protection of endangered places and vulnerable communities.

​Within its noble pursuit, The Bodhi Tree Foundation identifies and nurtures the most impactful charitable endeavors spanning the globe. Among its resonating initiatives was a significant event held in the heart of New York City, where the organization's ideals ignited conversations and forged connections that transcended borders.

​In this noteworthy event, Identity Productions stood as a proud sponsor and creative consultant, extending our support to this paramount cause. Our contribution went beyond mere sponsorship, as we crafted and produced exclusive mixed albums bearing the foundation's insignia. These bespoke creations became precious offerings in an auction, channeling their proceeds toward selected charities, a testament to the power of artistic collaboration for a meaningful purpose.

​An illustrious gathering of minds unfolded during this annual event, featuring Edward Norton - actor, screenwriter, film director, producer, and environmental activist—engaging in a dialogue with National Geographic Adventure's visionary Costas Christ. This insightful conversation delved into the essence of travel with purpose, as Norton shared his transformative adventures with an audience specially convened for this occasion. (Their connection was kindled at the Sixth Senses Slow Life Symposium in the Maldives - a summit that united luminaries including Richard Branson to deliberate on endeavors dedicated to the salvation of our planet.)

​A luminary in his own right, the late Peter Matthiessen, presided as the headliner of this gathering hosted at Tom Colicchio's Riverpark. An American novelist, naturalist, wilderness writer, zen teacher, and even a CIA officer, Matthiessen's legacy was woven with words and actions dedicated to the environment. The unparalleled feat of winning the National Book Award in both fiction and nonfiction, alongside his active role as an environmental advocate, underscored his commitment to leaving an indelible imprint on the world.

​For Identity Productions, this involvement was an immensely thought-provoking and humbling experience. The privilege of being called upon to contribute our services and donate our creations for the auction, all in support of the selected charities, left an indelible mark on our journey. Special gratitude extends to Jena Gardner, CEO and President of JG Black Book, who not only requested our participation but also stands as a Co-Founder and President of The Bodhi Tree Foundation. It is through collaborative endeavors such as these that profound change takes root and flourishes.